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Primula bulleyana

Future Forests
Bulley’s Primrose
A tall candelabra primrose, Primula bulleyana is a clump-forming, semi-evergreen, perennial with whorls of rich orange flowers, lovely with low, blue- or violet-flowered spring bulbs at the front of a reliably moist border, or in drifts in a bog garden. The almost oblong, primrose-type, mid-green leaves form a neat, ground-covering rosette, and persist well into winter except in very cold areas. Deep orange flowers, rather like those of cowslips, open from red buds at the top of tall, bare, mealy stems. It’s easy to grow and self-seeds where suited. Bulley’s primrose holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Damp, loamy, neutral to acid soilPosition: Partial shade; full sun in reliably moist soilSeason of interest: March to JuneHardiness: Very hardyHeight: 2’ (60cm) Spread: 1’ (30cm)
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