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Strawberry Elsanta
from €1.00
Future Forests
Strawberry Elsanta
Now the most popular commercial variety, Strawberry ‘Elsanta’ is a vigorous, high-yielding, mid-season variety. Medium to large, glossy, firm, orange-red fruit with outstanding flavour and a strong strawberry scent. Homegrown ‘Elsanta’ are far better flavoured than shop-bought. The skin is firm, so not susceptible to damage. Resistant to powdery mildew, but disease resistance is less than some; do not grow where strawberries or potatoes have previously been grown.
Site: Open, but shelteredSoil: Rich, moisture-retentive, well-drained soilPosition: Full sunPick: Early to late JulyKeep: Will keep for several daysHardiness: HardyPollination: Self-fertileUses: Eating and preservingHeight: 1’ (30cm) Spread 1’ (30cm)
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