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Sorbus x thuringiaca Fastigiata

Future Forests
Bastard Service Tree
A cross between the native rowan and the whitebeam, Sorbus x thuringiaca Fastigiata is a small to medium-sized, deciduous tree with some of the best features of both parents. It has upright branches and an almost columnar habit when young, eventually forming a more oval crown. The serrated, sometimes semi-divided, leaves are deep green on the upper surface and pale silvery-grey below, and often turn a brilliant orange in autumn. In May, conspicuous heads of creamy-white flowers appear, followed in autumn by clusters of deep red berries, which will persist into winter. A neat, pretty, but tough little tree, it will tolerate wind, cold, drought, urban pollution and paving, and makes an excellent street tree or specimen for urban gardens. Good for bees and birds.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any reasonably well drained soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeHardiness: HardyHeight: 23-39’ (7-12m) Spread:
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