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Leptospermum scoparium Winter Cheer
Future Forests
NZ Tea Tree/Manuka Winter Cheer
A showy, deep red form of the New Zealand tea tree or manuka, Leptospermum scoparium Winter Cheer is a fast-growing, medium-sized, evergreen shrub with a dense, bushy habit and arching shoots. The myrtle-like leaves are needle-like, aromatic, and dark green, turning purplish in late autumn and winter. The deep red, semi-double flowers cover the bush in late spring. They are famously nectar-rich, and very attractive to bees and other pollinators. Tea tree Winter Cheer will tolerate only a few degrees of frost, and is best grown against a dry, warm wall except in the very mildest areas.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Light, fertile, very well drained, acidic soilPosition: Full sun or lightly dappled shadeSeason of interest: Late spring in particularHardiness: Half-hardy (down to -5ºC)Height: up to 10’ (3m) Spread: 10’ (3m)
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