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Blackberry Triple Crown

Future Forests
Blackberry Triple Crown
A virtually thornless, late blackberry, Rubus fruticosus Triple Crown is a tall, vigorous, semi-erect, heavy-cropping cane fruit, growing to 6’6”x 3’/2m x 1m. The large, firm fruit is black, glossy and juicy, with a rich, sweet, delicious flavour. The canes need to be trained onto post-and-wire supports or a wired wall or fence. The plant fruits on one year-old wood; it is best to tie the fruiting canes on one side of the support, and the younger canes bundled up on the other. Once all the fruit is picked, cut back fruited canes to the ground and spread out and tie in this year’s canes to fruit next year. Blackberries root at the tips of the stems, so be sure to tie in new canes. Keep well watered at flowering and fruiting time.
Site: Sheltered, sunny siteSoil: Fertile, moist but well-drained, humus-rich, neutral to slightly acidic soilPosition: Fruit sweeter in full sun; tolerates partial shadePick: late August to SeptemberKeep: Does not keep, but freezes wellHardiness: Very hardyPollination: Self-fertileUses: Eating, jam, cooking