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Kiwi - Actinidia arguta Issai - self fertile
from €6.00

Future Forests
Kiwi arguta Issai
A compact, self-fertile form of the kiwi fruit, Actinidia arguta Issai is suitable for smaller gardens. A kiwi but not as we know it, similar in taste but much smaller and sweeter and the fruits may be eaten skin and all like a grape. Baby Kiwi Issai is a twining, shrubby, deciduous climber with simple green leaves that do not colour in autumn. Small, distinctive flowers in June are followed by huge crops of small, thin-skinned pale green kiwi fruit which ripens late.Self-fertile, but will not pollinate other female kiwis. A good choice for forest gardens.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any moist, fertile, well-drained soil, acid soil preferredPosition: Full sunPick: Late September-OctoberKeep: Will not keep more than a few daysHardiness: HardyPollination: Self-fertileUses: For eating freshHeight: 13ft (4m) Spread: 13ft (4m)
Pot | 9cm€6.00
Pot | 2L€6.00