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Chionodoxa luciliae

Future Forests
Chiondoxa (Scilla) luciliae - Glory of the Snow
This lovely bulb produces an abundance of bright blue, star shaped flowers with a white centre, with three blooms on each stem. It is a large flowering species that dates back to around 1880 from Turkey. Also known as Glory of the Snow and is great for naturalising in rock gardens and sunny woodland borders and even low grass but they will need to be left to die down naturally before the area is cut. Chiondoxa will combine well with dwarf daffodils, grape hyacinth, crocus and other small bulbs and will also do well grown in pots.
Site: Tolerates exposurePosition: Full sun or partial shadeSoils: Well-drained, allPlanting Period: September to DecemberFlowering Period: February to MarchPlanting: Depth 2” (5 cm), Spacing 1-2” (3-5 cm) best planted densely Height: 4” (10 cms)
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