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Strawberry Cambridge Favourite

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Future Forests
Strawberry Cambridge Favourite Popular old variety of mid-season strawberry, once the most widely commercially grown. Exceptionally reliable. Moderate yields of large fruit, with rather pale flesh and good flavour, which holds on the plant in good condition longer than most. If it does not succumb to virus disease, Strawberry ‘Cambridge Favourite’ will stay productive for up to six years, much longer than most strawberries. Resistant to powdery mildew. Do not plant in a frost pocket. Site: Tolerates some exposureSoil: Any fertile, moisture-retentive, well-drained soilPosition: Full sunPick: Early to late JulyKeep: Will keep for a day or twoHardiness: HardyPollination: Self-fertileUses: Eating and preservingHeight: 1’ (30cm) Spread 1’ (30cm)

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