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Strawberry Snow White - Pineberry

Future Forests
Fragaria x ananassa 'Snow White'
A mid-season, June-bearing variety, Strawberry Snow White has white flesh and bright red pips, like a photographic negative. The berries are medium-sized, conical, and, like other white strawberries, intensely aromatic, with a suggestion of pineapple in the taste. A vigorous variety, it is disease-resistant and hardy and a far heavier cropper than other white strawberries. Because of the colour, the berries are less vulnerable to birds than conventional strawberries. Can be grown in the ground, in containers or in hanging baskets.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any reasonably well-drained, fertile soilPosition: Full sunPick: JuneKeep: Do not keepHardiness: HardyPollination: Self-fertileUses: Eating, preservingHeight: 8” (20cm) Spread: 12” (30cm)
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