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Whitecurrant Blanka

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Future Forests
Whitecurrant Blanka Bred in the Netherlands, Whitecurrant Blanka is a new variety, increasingly in demand for its very heavy cropping. The berries are large, ivory-coloured and translucent with a sweet flavour, and can be eaten straight off the bush, or used to make a delicious pink jelly or as a very pretty garnish for cakes and puddings. They are borne on long strings, making picking easier. The bush is vigorous and spreading and a very heavy cropper. Late fruiter, extending the whitecurrant season. Site: ShelteredSoil: Any well drained soilPosition: Full sun, partial shadePick: Late July–AugustKeep: Does not keep; freezes wellHardiness: HardyPollination: Self-fertileUses: Cooking, preserving, eatingHeight: 3-5’ (1-1.5m) Spread: 3-5’ (1-1.5m)

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