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Whitecurrant White Versailles
from €5.00

Future Forests
Whitecurrant White Versailles
Justly popular early variety of whitecurrant, very reliable, heavy-cropping and easy to grow; fruits well even in northern areas. Upright growth on a medium-sized bush which will produce for many years. Fruit borne on long, heavy ‘strigs’ which makes for easy picking. The currants are large, pale yellow and translucent, making a beautiful edible garnish for desserts and cakes as well as being lovely eaten fresh. Whitecurrants are much sweeter than redcurrants, and ‘White Versailles’ has a particularly sweet, delicate flavour.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Fertile, well-drained soilPosition: Crops best in full sunPick: Early JulyKeep: Freezes well Hardiness: HardyPollination: Self-fertileUses: Eating, cooking, juicingHeight: 5’ (1.5m) Spread 5’ (1.5m)
Bareroot | 1yr€5.00
Pot | 2L€5.00
Pot | 3L€5.00
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