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Berberis julianae

Future Forests
Berberis julianae - Barberry
A robust evergreen shrub with a dense, bushy, upright habit. Berberis julianae has glossy, spiny-edged, deep green leaves that are pale green underneath and the shrub is covered in large sharp thorns. Clusters of yellow or orange flowers in late spring are followed by blue-black berries. This is the ultimate plant for security, once established it creates an impenetrable hedge.
Site: Tolerates coastal exposureSoil: Any well-drained soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of Interest: Evergreen, yellow-orange flowers in late SpringHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 10ft (3m) Spread: 10ft (3m)Hedging spacings: 18’’(45cm) apart for hedges up to 5ft. Space 2ft (60cm) apart for hedges 5ft+
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