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Primula capitata

Future Forests
Round-headed Himalayan Primrose
An unusual little primrose, Primula capitata is a rosette-forming, semi-evergreen, rather short-lived perennial which forms a clump of toothed, oblong to lance-shaped, pale-green, mealy leaves with silvery undersides. Tiny, deep lilac to purple, bell-shaped flowers open in a compact, flattened rosette at the top of upright, mealy stems. It thrives at the front of a damp border behind a north-facing wall. Originally from Tibet and Bhutan, round-headed Himalayan primrose should be dead-headed to prolong flowering.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Reliably moist, humus-rich, loamy, neutral to acid soil; poorly drained soilPosition: Partial shade; tolerates full shadeSeason of interest: March and April in particularHardiness: Very hardyHeight: 1’ (30cm) Spread: 1’ (30cm)
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