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Prunus virginiana Canada Red

Future Forests
Amur Chokeberry Canada Red
A deciduous tree, Prunus virginiana Canada Red is a medium-sized, quite fast-growing tree with a rounded crown and spreading, arching habit. The leaves are ovoid, with several leaflets, emerging green, becoming deep purple in early summer, and turning reddish-purple in autumn. Racemes of white flowers are produced in May; these are followed by black fruits. Chokeberry Canada Red’s fruit is very astringent, but it can be used (without the seed, which is toxic) in jams and preserves; it is toxic to sheep, horses, dogs and cattle. It is very drought-tolerant.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any very well-drained soilPosition: Full sunSeason of interest: Spring, summer, autumnHardiness: Extremely hardyHeight: 25’ (7.5m) Spread: 20’ (6.5m) in 10 years
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