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Aralia spinosa | Devils Walking Stick

Future Forests
Devil's Walking Stick
Also known as the angelica tree, deciduous Aralia spinosa gets its unusual common name from the gnarled, spiny appearance of the stems when it is not in leaf. Originally from North America, it is fast-growing and umbrella-like in habit. Its tall, spreading stems bear huge, prickly, heavily divided leaves, up to 3ft (90cm) long, at their tips, giving an exotic, palm-like appearance. The leaves colour well in autumn, turning reddish bronze in good conditions. Large panicles of lacy, creamy-white flowers in July are followed by purplish-black berries in autumn. A really striking, if very prickly specimen plant. Tolerant of salt, but the leaves may be damaged by high winds.
Site: Tolerates exposure, including coastal exposureSoil: Any reasonably well drained soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of Interest: Spring, summer, autumn, winterHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 20ft (6m) Spread: 10ft (3m)