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Castanea Sativa
from €4.50

Future Forests
Sweet Chestnut
Long established in Ireland, the Sweet or Spanish chestnut, Castanea sativa, is a large, fast-growing deciduous tree with a broad-headed habit and distinctive, spiral grooves in the bark as the tree matures. Can reach 30-35m in height. Long, handsome, toothed leaves up to 20cm/8” long, turning yellow in autumn. Yellowish male catkins 15cm/6” long; the female flowers at the base of the catkins are followed by the spiky, pale green fruit which splits to reveal a pair of the familiar edible chestnuts. Unlikely to fruit regularly. Thrives on moist, acid to neutral, sandy loam, but tolerates a wide range of reasonably deep soils. Can be coppiced – the durable, rot-resistant wood is ideal for fencing and loved by many green woodworkers.
Site: Tolerates some exposureSoil: Well-drained, preferably acid or neutral, soilPosition: Full sunSeason of Interest: Spring, summer, autumn, winterHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 46ft (14m) Spread: 26ft (8m) after 20 years
Bareroot | 2-3ft€4.50
Pot | 3L€4.50
Pot | 4L€4.50
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