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Cordyline australis Red Heart
Future Forests
Cordyline Red Heart
A dwarf cabbage palm, Cordyline australis Red Heart is a small, palm-like, evergreen tree forming an upright trunk eventually. The long, strap-like, leathery, arching leaves are olive-green, with red bases, which form the ‘red heart’. Trusses of white flowers are produced in summer when the plant is mature, but this is a plant grown more for its foliage. Cordyline Red Heart needs minimal pruning, but dead or damaged leaves can be removed in spring. Give a thick, dry mulch over winter in colder areas, or plant in a container (which will keep it small) and bring it in over winter. Makes a good house-plant.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any fertile, well-drained soilPosition: Full sunSeason of interest: All yearHardiness: Half-hardy Height: 6’6” (2m) Spread: 5’ (1.5m) in 2-5 years
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