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Allium roseum

Future Forests
Rosy-flowered Garlic
A pretty, purple-flowered plant, Allium roseumis a tall, bulbous, deciduous perennial that comes up year after year. The mid-green leaves are narrow and grass-like. Small, loose umbels of garlic-scented, pale pink, cup-shaped flowers are borne in late spring and into summer, often including some bulbils (which will come true); bees and other pollinators love the flowers. Plant 10-15cm deep and apart. If your soil is heavy clay, add grit to the planting hole to improve drainage. Good in urban and courtyard gardens and cottage gardens. Easy to grow, and no pruning needed. Congested clumps may be divided, or offsets taken. Ornamental onions should NOT be eaten.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any moist but well-drained or well-drained soilPosition: Full sunSeason of interest: Late Spring, SummerHardiness: Very hardyHeight: 2’ (60cm) Spread: 20” (50cm) in 1-2 years
Photo by Isidre blanc Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International
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