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Ligularia dentata Othello

Future Forests
Ligularia Othello
A striking plant massed at a pond-side or in a damp, semi-wild setting, Ligularia dentata Othello is a clump-forming, herbaceous perennial, gradually spreading to form a large clump. Large, kidney-shaped leaves, purple above and mahogany-red beneath, are handsome from spring to autumn. From July to September, tall flower stems bear large orange-yellow daisy-flowers, with touches of brown. An easy plant if you can give it the right damp conditions (it loves a wet summer) ligularia Othello is very attractive to butterflies – also, unfortunately, to snails.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Fairly light but moist, even wet, soilPosition: Flowers best in full sun; tolerates light shadeFlowering period: July to SeptemberHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 3’3” (100cm) Spread: 2’6” (75cm)
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