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Ceanothus Southmead

Future Forests
Californian Lilac Southmead
Early summer-flowering Ceanothus Southmead is a small, evergreen shrub with a dense, bushy habit. Small, glossy, finely toothed deep-green leaves beautifully set off the intensely blue flower-spikes, produced in May and June. Good wall-trained. Will only survive a few degrees of frost, and needs the protection of a warm wall in any but the mildest area. Very easy to grow; does not need much, if any pruning, but should be pruned in spring if necessary. Californian lilac Southmead holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Site: Sheltered; will tolerate salt airSoils: Any really well-drained soilPosition: Full sunSeason of interest: Spring, summer, autumnHardiness: Frost-hardyHeight up to 5’ (1.5m) Spread to 5’ (1.5m)