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Drimys aromatica

Future Forests
Tasmanian Pepper
Also known as Drimys lanceolata or Tasmannia lanceolata, Drimys aromatica is a large evergreen shrub or small tree, with a dense, upright, almost columnar habit and deep red shoots. The glossy, dark green leaves are 3”/8cm long and lance-shaped; they have a strong, peppery taste, as do the berries. In April, clusters of tiny, fragrant, cream to pale yellow, star-shaped flowers are borne on the red stems, followed in autumn by round black berries. A trouble-free plant for milder areas, it’s ideal in a woodland planting. Tasmanian pepper is only hardy to about 5 degrees of frost, so is not for colder areas.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Reasonably fertile, well-drained soil, preferably acidicPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of interest: All year, mid-spring in particularHardiness: Doubtfully hardyHeight: 13’ (4m) Spread: 8’ (2.5m)