Primula denticulata Ruby (Rubin)

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Future Forests
Drumstick Primrose One of the showiest of the Primrose family, Primula denticulata Ruby is a herbaceous perennial primrose with a ball of tiny, tightly-knit reddish-pink bell flowers. The flowers rise up on stout stems over a ground level rosette of mid green spoon shaped leaves. Primula denticulata are lightly fragrant, early flowering plants making them a good choice for container gardening or at the front of the border in sun or part shade where they can be seen. A very low maintenance plant once established. Clay tolerant.Attractive to butterflies and deer and rabbit resistant.Site: Exposed, semi-sheltered to shelteredSoil: Well drained moist, humus-rich, clay, loam, moistPosition: Full sun, partial shadeSeason of Interest: Rose-purple flowers from late Spring to early Autumn Hardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 1.5ft (50cm) Spread: 1.5ft (50cm) Photo by André Karwath, cropped, and licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5.

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