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Ginkgo biloba Troll

Future Forests
Maidenhair Tree Troll
This is an appealing small round shaped cultivar of Ginkgo biloba. It is the sole survivor of an ancient group of trees that dates back 270 million years, long before the time of the dinosaurs. Maidenhair trees can be extremely long-lived, the oldest recorded individual being nearly one thousand years old. They were traditionally planted in temple gardens in Japan and China, but today are popular in towns and cities worldwide and are even farmed in plantations for their medicinal properties. Its foliage is deciduous and unusually fan-shaped. The Autumn foliage takes on a beautiful golden yellow colour. This cultivar is non-fruiting and slow growing, forming a beautiful rounded dense globe of foliage. This Ginkgo is particularly useful in a city environment as they are exceptionally tolerant of air pollution. It is a popular bonsai specimen as well. Also often available as a grafted at 80-90cm to form an interesting lollipop shape to suit formal gardens.
Site: Inland exposed, cityscape Soil: Well drained, will tolerate being in a large potPosition: Full sun, partial shadeSeason of Interest: Unusual foliage, with excellent Autumn foliage colourHardiness: Fully hardySize: Small to 3ft (1m)