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Aquilegia viridiflora Chocolate Soldier

Future Forests
Granny’s Bonnet Chocolate Soldier
Chocolate-brown lanterns with pale green skirts hang in low drifts from late Spring, over a delicate mound of blue tinged fern-like foliage. The fragrant flowers are extremely attractive to birds, bees and other beneficial pollinators making it perfect for the wildlife garden. Aquilegia viridiflora Chocolate Soldier is a low maintenance compact sun-loving perennial that will self-seed freely if left alone. Due to its compact tidy habit, Granny’s Bonnet Chocolate Soldier is well suited to the rock or gravel garden. Partners well with ornamental grasses. Excellent choice for containers and as a cut flower. Hailing from its native Siberia, it’s generally resistant to grazing deer and rabbits.
Site: Requires shelterSoil: Moist, but well-drained, loam, clay, chalk, sandPosition: Full sun, partial shadeSeason of Interest: Brown and green flowers from May to late JuneHardiness: Hardy, tolerant of temperatures down to -15°CHeight: 1.5ft (45cm) Spread: 1.5ft (45cm)
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