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Choisya Ternata Aztec Pearl

Future Forests
Mexican Orange Blossom Aztec Pearl
Easy, reliable, attractive and scented to boot, Choisya Ternata Aztec Pearl earns its place in almost any garden. It’s a medium-sized, fast-growing, evergreen shrub with a neat, open, mounded habit. The leaves are divided into 3-5 narrow leaflets, and a glossy deep-green, deliciously scented of orange-blossom. In May, it bears citrus-scented white flowers tinged with pink, and will often flower again in late summer, especially in a hot year. Flowers best in full sun. Good as a hedge or a border specimen, Mexican orange blossom Aztec Pearl holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit. Attractive to bees.
Site: ShelteredSoils: Any well-drained soilPosition: Full sun, partial shadeSeason of interest: All year, especially May and late summerHardiness: Hardy; may suffer in a severe winterHeight up to 8’ (2.5m) Spread to 8’ (2.5m)
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