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Raspberry Tulameen - Summer Fruiting

Future Forests
Raspberry Tulameen
A Canadian-bred, mid- to late-season summer raspberry, Rubus idaeus Tulameen produces a moderate number of tall (6’/1.8m) vigorous canes, which must be tied in to a post and wire frame. The high-quality berries are large, conical and bright red, with a very good, sweet, aromatic flavour. The berries are borne on second year canes, on almost spine-free laterals, making them easy to pick. Water well when flowering and berrying, and cut all fruited canes to the ground when fruiting is over, tying in the new canes for next year’s crop. Raspberry Tulameen has good disease-resistance, and holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Fertile, well-drained but moisture-retentive, humus-rich, slightly acid soilPosition: Full sunPick: Mid-July to mid-AugustKeep: Keeps for rather longer in the fridge than most raspberries; freezes wellHardiness: Fully hardyPollination: Self-fertileUses: Eating fresh, freezing and preserving
You can learn more about how to plant and care for raspberries and starting with fruit in our advice section and on our resources page.