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Camellia japonica Winter Perfume Pearl

Future Forests
Camellia Winter Perfume Pearl
A beautiful camellia, suitable for the medium-sized garden, Camellia japonica Winter Perfume Pearl is an evergreen shrub of average growth rate, with leathery, simple, deep green leaves. The flowers are lovely, single, well scented, and blush pink with a boss of golden stamens. If you want to grow it in a generous-sized pot, use soil-based ericaceous compost. Water well in dry weather, so the buds don’t fall off. Fertilise with ericaceous feed in spring and again in June, and top-dress annually with shredded bark or well-rotted leaf-mould.
Site: Sheltered (not east-facing)Soil: Any fertile, moist but well-drained, acid soilPosition: Partial shadeSeason of interest: All yearHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 6’6” (2m) Spread: 6’6” (2m)
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