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Quercus x kewensis
from €15.00

Future Forests
Kew Oak
A chance hybrid seedling between Quercus cerris and Q. wizlizenii found at Kew Gardens in 1914, Quercus x kewensis is a large, evergreen tree with a fairly open, spreading, oval, later rounded, crown. The young twigs are light brown and downy, but later the bark becomes smooth and grey, eventually becoming almost black and deeply ridged. The leaves have shallow, almost triangular lobes and are matte deep green above with shinier, paler undersides, giving a lighter, mobile effect when stirred by a breeze. Unobtrusive catkins in May are followed by large, oval acorns in autumn; these usually fall before fully ripe. Kew Oak cannot tolerate cold, drying winds. A good specimen or park tree.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any reasonably fertile, well-drained soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of interest: All yearHardiness: Fully hardy (to -10ºC)Height: eventually 50’ (15m) Spread: 50’ (15m)
Pot | 1L€15.00
Pot | 3L€15.00
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