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Daphne x transatlantica Pink Fragrance

from €18.00
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Future Forests
Daphne Pink Fragrance A compact, wonderfully scented, hybrid daphne cultivar, Daphne x transatlantica Pink Fragrance is a small, semi-evergreen shrub with a rounded habit, ideal for the small garden or for growing in a container. The small, lance-shaped leaves are a good mid-green. From April to September and sometimes into October, richly and deliciously scented pale pink flowers emerge from deep pink buds; as flowers are borne on new season’s wood, they keep going as long as the shrub is growing. Plant daphne Pink Fragrance where you sit outdoors, or by a window, to enjoy its scent, but choose the site carefully; once a daphne is out of its pot, it must never be moved again. Site: ShelteredSoil: Any fertile, humus-rich, well-drained soilPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of interest: Spring to autumnHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 3’ (90cm) Spread: 3’ (90cm)
  • Pot | 1.5L
  • Pot | 2L

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