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Camellia x williamsii Jury's Yellow

Future Forests
Camellia Jury’s Yellow
A williamsii hybrid camellia, which drops its flowers before they turn brown, Camellia williamsii Jury’s Yellow is an evergreen, upright shrub, with leathery, simple, deep green leaves. The flowers are anemone-form, pale yellow with conspicuous golden petaloids in the centre, appearing in spring. Water well in dry weather, so the buds don’t fall off. Fertilise with ericaceous feed in spring and again in June, and top-dress annually with shredded bark or well-rotted leaf-mould. Good in a cottage or woodland garden. Camellia Jury’s Yellow holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any fertile, moist but well-drained, acid to neutral soilPosition: Partial shade to full shadeSeason of interest: All year, spring in particularHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 8’-13’ (2.5-4m) Spread: 8’-13’ (2.5-4mm) in 5-10 years