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Solanum jasminoides Blue

Future Forests
Potato Vine Blue
A new and very pretty cultivar of potato vine, suitable for smaller gardens, Solanum jasminoides Blue is a large, vigorous, scrambling, very long-flowering climber, whose wiry stems need to be tied into a support. The small, ovate leaves are a deep, glossy green with a purplish flush. From June to September, and often into October, masses of mauve-flushed, white, five-petalled flowers with a pointed, yellow-orange centre emerge from mauve buds. Not for the coldest or very exposed areas, it's best grown against a warm, sunny wall. Also known as Solanum laxum Bleu.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Moist but well-drained, light, neutral to alkaline soilPosition: Full sunSeason of interest: Summer and autumnHardiness: Fairly hardyHeight: 10-20’ (3-6m); Spread: 6’ (1.8m)
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