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Choisya x dewitteana Snow Flurry

Future Forests
Mexican Orange Blossom Snow Flurries
A compact cultivar, said to be an improvement on White Dazzler, Choisya x dewitteana Snow Flurries is a small to medium-sized, fast-growing, evergreen shrub with a rounded habit, ideal for the smaller garden. The delicate, heavily divided leaves are deep green, glossy and aromatic. From May to early June, clusters of pink buds open into a profusion of pretty, starry, fragrant, white flowers; this cultivar often produces more flowers in late summer. Mexican orange blossom Snow Flurries is an easy, reliable shrub; if it needs to be pruned, do so immediately after its summer flowering.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any well-drained soilPosition: Full sunSeason of interest: All year, May-June in particularHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 4’ (1.2m) Spread: 4’ (1.2m)
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