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Vaccinium vitis-idaea Little Miss Cherry ® - Lingonberry

Future Forests
Lingonberry Little Miss Cherry ®
Introduced from Sweden, lingonberries or cowberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) are low, creeping, evergreen shrubs, becoming very popular for their high antioxidant and vitamin content as well as for their delicious flavour. Lingonberry Little Miss Cherry is an attractive, compact variety; it is very productive, with pink flowers between May and July, and berries from late July into winter. The red berries have a tangy, refreshing taste, reminiscent of cranberries, but better; excellent for sauces and preserves. Related to cranberries and blueberries, lingonberries must be grown in acid soil (pH 4.5-5.5). Good grown in containers in ericaceous compost.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Needs moist, acid soil, preferably light or peatyPosition: Sun or partial shadePick: Late July– DecemberKeep: A few days in the fridgeHardiness: HardyPollination: Self-fertileUses: Cooking, preservingHeight: 3’ (90cm) Spread: 3’ (90cm)