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Geranium clarkei Kashmir White

Future Forests
Hardy Geranium Kashmir White
One of the longest flowering hardy geraniums or cranesbills, Geranium clarkei Kashmir White is a hardy, herbaceous perennial with a mound-forming habit. The mid-green leaves are deeply divided into seven lobes. Single, white flowers with pretty purple veins, 1 ½”/4cm wide, are borne between June and September, very attractive against the mound of leaves. Cut back hard after the first flush is over, and fresh leaves and more flowers will come back. Hardy geranium Kashmir White spreads by means of rhizomes, and can spread up to 5’/1-1.5m, but is easily divided in spring. A very pretty and useful plant for the front of the border.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any well-drained soil, preferably moistPosition: Full sun or partial shadeFlowering period: June to SeptemberHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 18” (45cm) Spread: up to 5’ (1.5m)