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Prunus Kiku-shidare-zakura
from €18.00

Future Forests
Cheal’s Weeping Cherry
One of the best of the Japanese weeping flowering cherries, Prunus Kiku-shidare-zakura (‘Weeping Chrysanthemum Cherry’) is a small, deciduous tree, the branches arching elegantly downwards from the trunk. Masses of large, double, rich pink flowers, less harsh a pink than ‘Kanzan’ and up to 3.5cm across, appear in late April, as the bronze young leaves appear. The leaves turn red and then light green in summer and bronze-orange in autumn. Ideal for year-round interest in the smaller garden.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Any reasonably well drained soilPosition: Full sunSeason of Interest: Spring, autumnHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 8-13’’ (2.5-4m) Spread: 8-13’ (2.5-4m)Potted plants can be ordered & delivered at any time of year, if in stock.Bareroot plants can be ordered, when in stock, for delivery from November to April.For more info on bareroot delivery dates CLICK HERE
2L Pot (4-5ft 1yr grafted)€18.00
3L Pot (2ft stem top grafted)€18.00
10L Pot (4-5ft) | Collection or pallet delivery required€18.00
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