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Cherry Morello
from €18.00

Future Forests
Cherry Morello
A very old variety, grown in England from the early 17th century, acid Cherry Morello is the classic cooking cherry. The fruit is medium-sized, almost black with dark red flesh; wonderful rich cherry flavour when cooked. Fruit contains the anti-oxidant and sleep-regulator melatonin. Compact, spreading tree, very hardy and reliable, regular cropper. Tolerates shade, and can be grown against a north wall. Prune as little as possible, and only in summer. Self-fertile and an excellent pollinator, with a long flowering season.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any reasonably well drainedPosition: Full sun, part-shade or shadePick: AugustKeep: Does not keepHardiness: HardyPollination: Self-fertile, but may crop better with a pollination partnerUses: Cooking and bottling
Learn more about fruit tree rootstocks
Bareroot 1yr / Colt€18.00
Bareroot 2yr / Colt€18.00
Bareroot 1yr / Gisela 5€18.00
Pot | 20L / Colt€18.00
Pot | 4L / Gisela 5€18.00
Pot | 4L / Colt€18.00
Pot | 5L / Colt€18.00
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