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Solanum jasminoides (laxum) Album
Future Forests
White Potato Vine
Once known as Solanum jasminoides Album for its slight jasmine scent, Solanum laxum Album is a large, vigorous, semi-evergreen, climbing shrub, whose wiry stems need to be tied in to a support. The delicate, ovate leaves are a deep, glossy green, against which the flowers shine out. From July to September, the plant is covered in clusters of lightly jasmine-scented, white, potato-like, five-petalled flowers with a pointed, golden centre, followed by tiny, round, purplish-black, inedible fruits. Not for the coldest or very exposed areas, and best grown against a warm wall, white potato vine holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Moist but well-drained, light, neutral to alkaline soilPosition: Full sunSeason of interest: Summer and autumnHardiness: Fairly hardyHeight: up to 30’ (9m); Spread: 6’ (1.8m)
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