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Pinus peuce - Macedonian Pine
from €4.00

Future Forests
Macedonian Pine, Balkan Pine
Native to South Eastern Europe, Pinus peuce is an attractive conifer with many applications. Its glossy deep blue-green foliage, provides a particularly interesting contrast for a larger garden, It eventually bears long (15cm) cones, Ideally planted in a mid sized to larger garden, or a woodland setting,
Site: Tolerates some exposureSoil: Well drained, prefers acid but lime is ok tooPosition: Full sun, young plants tolerate some shadeSeason of Interest: Evergreen, Attractive bark and cones on established treesHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 60ft (20m) Spread: 30ft (9m) in approx 40 years
Pot | 9cm€4.00
Pot | 3L€4.00
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