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Blueberry Brigitta
from €6.00

Future Forests
Highbush Blueberry Brigitta
A tasty, late season blueberry, Vaccinium corymbosum Brigitta is a deciduous fruiting shrub with a strong, upright habit, reaching nearly six feet high and wide in 10-20 years, although it can be kept smaller by judicious pruning. The medium to large, light blue fruits are firm, making them useful for freezing, and are rich in antioxidants. Brigitta is a heavy cropper. The elliptical, mid-green leaves turn red and orange in autumn. Plentiful waxy, bell-shaped, white flowers appear in early and mid-spring, and are attractive to pollinators; this blueberry needs a pollination partner, such as Bluecrop. Highbush blueberry Brigitta can also be grown in ericaceous, soil-based compost in a large container.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Fertile, light, moist, well-drained, very acidic soilPosition: Full sun; tolerates partial shadePick: July and AugustKeep: Fruits keep for a day or two in the fridge; good for freezingHardiness: Fully hardyPollination: Needs a pollination partnerUses: Eating, baking, smoothies
Photo by Stephan H. on Unsplash.
Pot | 9cm€6.00
Pot | 2L€6.00
Pot | 4L€6.00