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Azalea mollis Pink Delight

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Future Forests
Azalea Pink Delight One of the famous Knap Hill azaleas, Rhododendron Pink Delight is a quite tall, deciduous shrub with a rounded habit. The leaves are mid-green. In May, unscented, trumpet-shaped, deep, clear pink flowers with a yellow-orange blotch appear. Don’t plant azaleas too deeply. Azaleas have shallow roots, so mulch thickly with leaf-mould in early spring to conserve moisture. Azalea Pink Delight can also be grown in ericaceous compost in a large container. Prune if necessary as soon as the flowers fade, as the new buds form in July. Site: ShelteredSoil: Well-drained, humus-rich, acid soilPosition: Partial shadeSeason of interest: Late spring in particularHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 6’6” (2m) Spread: 5’ (1.5m)

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