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Cornus kousa var. chinensis China Girl

Future Forests
Chinese Dogwood China Girl
A beautiful, Dutch-bred cultivar of the Chinese dogwood, Cornus kousa var. chinensis China Girl is a small, slow-growing, deciduous tree with tiered branches, giving a graceful, architectural effect even in winter. The deep green, oval leaves turn brilliant shades of red and orange in autumn. In June, especially after a hot preceding summer, the tree is covered with a spectacular display of upward facing flowers, formed of four, creamy-yellow bracts surrounding a green boss of the true flowers. These are followed by bright red, strawberry-like (but inedible) fruits. A lovely tree for the smaller garden, good as a lawn specimen. Best left unpruned, Chinese dogood China Girls holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Site: ShelteredSoil: Any well-drained, reasonably moist soil; dislikes very alkaline soilPosition: Full sun, partial shadeSeason of interest: All year, early summer to autumn in particularHardiness: Fully hardy (to -15ºC)Height: 13’ (4m) Spread: 10’ (3m) in 20 years, eventually 26’x26’ (8mx8m)