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Crataegus harbisonii

Future Forests
Harbison’s Hawthorn
An American hawthorn, possibly a natural hybrid and now quite rare, Crataegus harbisonii is a small, vigorous, thorny, deciduous tree or large shrub, up to 25’/7.5m tall. The leaves of Harbison's Hawthorn are ovate, shiny green and slightly downy. White flowers appear in May. Crataegus harbisonii fruits are round, orange-red, 12-22mm long, and slightly downy.
Site: Will tolerate inland and mild coastal exposureSoil: Any reasonable soil other than very wetPosition: Full sun or partial shadeSeason of Interest: Blossom in Spring, berries in AutumnHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 13-26ft (4-8m) Spread: 13-26ft (4-8m)