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Future Forests
Levisticum officinale
The word 'Lovage' comes from 'love-ache', 'ache' being a medieval name for parsley. This is a perennial herb with tall, smooth stems with dark green pinnate leaves, their scent reminiscent of strong celery and parsley, and yellow-green flowers in Summer. The leaves can be used in salads or as a seasoning in broths. Even the roots can be used grated in salads. Use the seeds as you would fennel seeds.
Site: Tolerates exposureSoil: Moist but well-drainedPosition: Full sunSeason of Interest: Aromatic, culinary useHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 5-8ft (1.5-2.5m) Spread: 1.5-3ft (0.5-1m)
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Jasminum officianale Clotted Cream
Ligustrum Japonicum - Japanese Privet Bareroot | 2ft / Not provided / Not provided
Quercus Acutissima - Sawtooth Oak