Soil Renew organic Moss Go Lawn Renew

Future Forests
Soil Renew organic Moss Go Lawn Renew
Moss Go Lawn Renew is an organic product based on algae which naturally smothers moss in lawns and flower beds inhibiting its growth. When used with Soil Renew it provides a long-lasting solution to moss, a persistent problem for Irish water-logged soils.
Moss Go Lawn Renew should be diluted 1 part product and 10 parts water. 1 litre of Moss Go Lawn Renew will treat 100m² of lawn;
It should be sprayed on a dry day to allow maximum penetration;
It can be applied throughout the year but avoid particularly frosty periods;
Remove the moss after application and spread Soil Renew to encourage better soil conditions which will prevent the reoccurrence of moss.
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