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Sambucus nigra Laciniata

from €5.00
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Future Forests
Cut-leaved Elder A fast-growing deciduous large shrub or small tree, Sambucus nigra Laciniata has elegant finely-cut leaves. The flowers produced in May and June are similar to the native elder, having strongly scented flat heads of tiny creamy-white flowers. In Autumn, the foliage turns an appealing Yellow colour. A very good shrub for wildlife when in flower and berry. Site: Tolerates some exposure, though prefers shelterSoil: Well drained soilsPosition: Full sun, partial shadeSeason of Interest: Summer flowers, attractive foliageHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 12-20ft (4-6m) Spread: 12-20ft (4-6m)
  • Bareroot | 1-2ft
  • Pot | 4L
  • Pot | 5L

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