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Hydrangea macrophylla Red Angel

Future Forests
Hydrangea Red Angel
A compact, brightly coloured, mophead hydrangea in the Black Diamonds, Hydrangea macrophylla Red Angel is a small, deciduous shrub of average vigour with a bushy, rounded habit. The large, broad leaves with serrated edges are deep green, flushed burgundy when young, contrasting well with the flowers. From July to September, the shrub bears beautiful mophead flowers of purplish-red. Colour varies with the pH of the soil; acidic soil is needed to keep the colouring red. The small size of hydrangea Red Angel means it can be grown in soil-based ericaceous compost in a large pot, but be sure to keep pots well watered. Leave the dead flower-heads on over winter to protect the buds, then in early spring cut out misplaced or spindly stems to the base and the rest to a pair of fat buds. Do not let the soil dry out.
Site: Tolerates some exposure Soil: Fertile, humus-rich, moist but well-drained, acidic soil Position: Full sun or partial shade Season of interest: July to September in particular Hardiness: Fully hardy Height: 39” (1m) Spread: 39” (1m)