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The Greatest Fight of Our Generation: Louis vs. Schmeling, by Lewis A. Erenberg

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Held on June 22, 1938, in Yankee Stadium, the second Louis-Schmeling fight sparked excitement around the globe. For all its length - the fight lasted but two minutes - it remains one of the most memorable events in boxing history and, indeed, one of the most significant sporting events ever. In this superb account, Lewis A. Erenberg offers a vivid portrait of Joe Louis, Max Schmeling, their individual careers, and their two epic fights, shedding light on what these fighters represented to their nations, and why their second bout took on such international importance. This fight was seen around the world in symbolic terms - as a match between Nazism and American democracy. Erenberg discusses how Louis' dramatic first-round victory was a devastating blow to Hitler. Louis, meanwhile, became the first black champion embraced by all Americans, black and white, an important step forward in United States race relations.  

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