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Beautiful And Impossible Things: Selected Essays of Oscar Wilde
Quay Books
This selection of Oscar Wilde’s writings provides a fresh perspective on his character and thinking. Compiled from his lecture tours, newspaper articles, essays and epigrams, these pieces show that beneath the trademark wit, Wilde was a deeply humane and visionary writer, as challenging today as he was in the late 1800s. This edition includes essays on interior design, prison reform, Shakespeare, the dramatic dialogue Decay of Lying and the seminal Soul of Man.
Published by Notting Hill Editions, a UK publisher devoted to the best in essay writing.
"First, it is an elegant linen-bound production that gives it a handsome feel in the hand, but then fits neatly into a pocket like something one should never travel without on the train. Moreover, it is purple—one of Wilde’s statement colors—which as a cover for Wilde’s sparkling prose renders it heliotrope with diamonds...it is a book that should always be with us when there are no flowers to look at and we want something to stir the intelligence."
— John Cooper, Oscar Wilde in America (blog)
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