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Medlar Dutch Monstrous

Future Forests
Medlar Dutch Monstrous
With the largest fruit of all medlars, Mespilus germanica Monstrous is a tree with a charmingly erratic, crooked, spreading habit of growth, like trees in Chinese or Japanese paintings. The leaves are long, rather leathery and mid-green, turning yellow in autumn. In June, the, tree bears beautiful blossom, like that of a dog rose.The fruit is like a giant, brown rose-hip, and can’t be eaten fresh, but can be made into a delicious jelly for toast or cold meats or allowed to ‘blet’ (soften) in store, when it can be eaten with a teaspoon and a dollop of cream; it has a rich, nutty, slightly musty flavour. Leave the fruit on the tree until just before the first frost is expected and store ‘eye’ down in trays, not touching each other. Best grown as a standard or half-standard, Medlar Monstrous is only for the larger garden or as a specimen tree in a smaller one – and for those who love medlar jelly!
Site: ShelteredSoil: Deep, fertile, moist but well-drained soil; dislikes thin chalky soilsPosition: Full sun; tolerates partial shadePick: October-November (before the first frost)Keep: A month or two while blettingHardiness: Very hardyPollination: Self-fertileUses: Eating, preserves