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Taxus baccata Fastigiata

Future Forests
Upright Irish Yew
A native conifer originating from County Fermanagh, Taxus baccata Fastigiata is a form of which two specimens were discovered in 1767, one of which is still alive today on the grounds of Florence court demesne. It is estimated that over 5 million Irish yew have been propagated from this one remaining tree. The Irish Yew has very upright growth, forming wide columns. It is a small to medium sized evergreen tree that can live to a great age. Its dark green needle-like foliage tolerates hard pruning which leads to its use in avenues and hedges. In Winter, the Yew carries red berries which have seeds poisonous to humans and animals, but are eaten by birds in Winter. Taxus baccata is a useful tree for difficult sites and soils and its dark, almost sombre green is a good foil for more colourful plants in the garden. Yew produces excellent wood to work with many uses.
Site: Tolerates coastal exposureSoil: Well drainedPosition: Full sun, part shade, will tolerate heavy shadeSeason of Interest: All year round foliage, Winter red berries, wildlife friendlyHardiness: Fully hardyHeight: 15-30ft (5-12m) Spread: 10-15ft (3-5m)
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